Benefits Of Attending A Shamanic Retreat, Plus A Few Tips

Posted on: 11 May 2020

Once a tradition is reserved for a few eastern cultures, shamanic healing retreats have become more and more common over the past few years. People are traveling from all over to attend these retreats, and they are receiving numerous benefits as a result. If you've been feeling lost and are seeking some spiritual clarity, perhaps you've been considering attending a shamanic retreat yourself. Here's a look at some of the benefits of doing so, and also a few tips to keep in mind throughout the process.

Benefits of Shamanic Retreats

Many of the benefits of shamanic retreats are very personal. You might learn more about yourself in terms of your relationships, while someone else might get clarity on your career path. In general, however, shamanic retreats offer these benefits:

1. The focus is on you.

In traditional support groups and even in conventional therapy, there is a structured, specific approach that is taken, and you're not always the focus of that approach. At a shamanic retreat, however, everything will center around you. In most cases, it will be just you and the shaman. They will dedicate your entire stay to your own healing, so you don't have to compromise between your needs and others'.

2. You step outside the ordinary

Chances are, you've already tried a few conventional approaches to heal yourself. But you were still in your home setting, so it was easy to return to your old ways of thinking. When you attend a shamanic retreat, you're far from home in a very different place — like the jungle or a small village — and the change in setting makes it easier to step outside yourself and make a lasting change.

3. You benefit from ancient wisdom.

Conventional treatments are based on new knowledge, but there is definitely something to the old wisdom of the shamans. They've been using their approaches for years because they work, and at a retreat, you can take full advantage of those approaches.

Tips for Attending a Shamanic Retreat

If you do decide to attend a retreat, be sure to look for a well-established one. Look for a healer who has been working for years, not someone who has recently entered the industry in an effort to benefit from the recent trends. Always begin your retreat with an open mind, and leave yourself a week or two of free time afterward so you are not constantly thinking about having to return to the stress of everyday life.

With the tips above, you can fully experience the benefits of private shamanic retreats. Enjoy, and grow.


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